Security Technology

Mitigating the risks associated with ChatGPT while having a proactive approach in your organization

Industries are being transformed by artificial intelligence (AI), which is also enhancing business procedures. However, with new technologies come new security concerns. Large language models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, are one of the most recent technologies to raise new security issues. ChatGPT may not be used by all businesses, but it can still represent a serious […]

Security Technology

Proud to announce Data Core Systems’ participation in Locked Shields 2023, the world’s largest cyber defense exercise.

Data Core Systems participated in Locked Shields 2023, the world’s largest live-fire cyber defense exercise hosted by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE). Data Core Systems was represented by Cosmin Moldoveanu, Serban Savila, Gabriel Iorgulescu, Teodor Dan and Andrei Usurelu. As a leading cybersecurity company, we were proud to be part of […]

Cyber Threat Security

Top 5 Data Center security threats for 2023

The modern business relies heavily on classified information, which must be properly protected, managed, governed, and used in order for the company to be profitable. The confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of the data under its management are all guaranteed by a data center with good design in terms of security. Because of this, it’s critical […]


SOC-As-A-Service: How to find the right provider for your business

Security Operations Centers (SOC) have evolved since cyber-attacks have become more frequent and more aggressive; therefore, it is increasingly difficult to form and manage an in-house team, capable enough in terms of theoretical and practical skills, and able to operate 24/ 7/365. At the same time, the resources required to build your internal SOC team […]


Top 5 SOC-As-A-Service Benefits

What is a SOC-As-A-Service? In a security framework known as SOC-As-A-Service (SOCaaS), a third-party vendor administrates and delivers a fully managed SOC, on prem or cloud, delivering services on a subscription basis. Modern businesses require a SOCaaS that can offer cutting-edge cyber security protection, round-the-clock surveillance, and knowledge from experts with many years of field […]


Our SOC-as-a-Service team works 24/7 to protect your organization from cyber threats

Data Core Systems has launched its Security Operations Center as-a-Service (SOCaaS) and is fully operational. The effectiveness of your organization’s SOC may determine a cyberattack is completely stopped and whether cybercriminals are able to affect your company. If you’re struggling to meet IT/security staff budget demands, fighting new threat adversaries, or simply looking for a […]


CyberMAN  2022 – Data Core Systems /Trend Micro: primul loc în cadrul scenariului Red and Blue

Suntem mândri să anunțăm că echipa Data Core Systems /Trend Micro a câștigat primul loc în cadrul scenariului Red and Blue de la CyberMAN 2022! În perioada 27.06 – 01.07.2022 s-a desfășurat exercițiul de securitate cibernetică CyberMAN 2022, eveniment organizat de Agenţia de Apărare Cibernetică din Comandamentul Apărării Cibernetice al Ministerului Apărării Naționale. Ediția din […]

Security Technology

Reziliența cibernetică, un nou termen la modă? Din contră.

Intensificarea atacurilor informatice, în mod special din perspectiva evenimentelor recente și consolidarea răspunsurilor la acestea, au făcut că reziliența cibernetică să devină nouă expresie predilectă a responsabililor de securitate. De ce nu este doar un nou trend ci, din contră, un concept care va redefini felul în care privim siguranța și continuitatea business-ului ne explică […]